Sunday, November 7, 2010

Word and Image: Delicious or Touching?

Word and image often are needed to better represent the thoughts of the designer or artist. Many times, both the image and words may be able to stand alone, but TOGETHER, they become even more meaningful and powerful. I'm going to take apart the words and motion images in a short film. This film was created in a film festival in February 2006 with the topic of "Food, Taste, and Hunger" and shortly thereafter moved people and opened eyes. This piece is called "Chicken a la Carte" and words and images here give this piece an even deeper meaning.

If a viewer were to look at the two independently, he may think that it's just a piece about world hunger or about a generous man. But have them both together gives a deeper meaning then this. Is this about a generous man? In some ways. Is this about world hunger? In some ways. Then what is it about?

There IS a deeper meaning when you watch how everything was designed together. There is a bigger image to just world hungry: it's a very specific area of world hunger. In a place that isn't miles and miles away from a metropolitan area, there is hunger there. But it's not a crazed hunger that takes over people. The people are still completely compassionate about each other. In such a desperate state, this man is still able to share what meager resources he was able to muster up with his community.

This piece of word and image is able to move a greater audience. Not because it was unique; no, this topic is covered in a variety of ways. But because of the design of the piece adds to a deeper meaning. Now here's a thought, word isn't limited to just written word. But the music lyrics (although written) add just as much as spoken word and the meaning behind is it limitless.


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