Monday, November 29, 2010

Utopian Designs

Utopian designs are defined to be designs that are created to help improve society. There is one design that I would like to talk about as a whole, then maybe break it down into more specific areas. THE GRID. This was one of the best concepts to ever sprout out of someone's head. This style of design has offered many improvements and very few setbacks. The only set back I can think of, is that it offers very little creativity. You either follow it or you don't; it's that simple. But if you follow it, you achieve so many great things. One of the biggest things that helped advance society is that of organization.

We see grids all the time: power grids, gas lines (which are also set up in grid formation), and roads. Now roads have been around for a really long time, but there was little to no form to them. But now as we look at metropolitan areas like Sacramento and San Fransisco, we see more and more that the streets and cross-streets were made in a grid pattern; these designs are easy to read, memorize and give directions.  But we don't even need to travel that far to look at these grids in use: take a look at downtown Davis. We also employ a grid design to our streets and it seems to be an excellent design, especially for freshman. And to add to the simplicity of the design, the roads are conveniently named 'A, B, C' and '1, 2, 3'. It's these simple designs that contribute to a Utopian designs. Now that we don't need to think and use 1-minute recall for street names, we can focus on bigger designs!

Word Count: 285


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