Monday, November 8, 2010

Word and Image: Or is it?

Word in Image. This concept and skill seems to be OH SO IMPORTANT to deserve two consecutive posts about the same topic. So since the previous post is about taking it apart and then combining the two into one design, now I'm going to observe using each other in the design. Now, this image may blow your minds!


Now this picture was found while browsing online for words and design. Then I thought about what about design of words? We've studied a bit on typography and how it influences design (much like the wall in the CBS lunchroom). But these words have a meaning to them, that of course relates to where it is positioned. If you look closely, all these words are placed correctly in the anatomy of the body, which lends an even more obvious yet some deeper meaning.

This is how words CAN BE images. That's just crazy. There is a way this is designed that you know that you're looking at a hand or arm. That's of course what first hits you. But as we look closely we see the background color bleeding through, so that can't be a solid hand. Then we realize that the words are telling us what is there. And that's just the end of it. Design to, in all sorts of ways, show and tell. That just makes me feel like I'm in grade school again: show and tell; but then again, isn't design all about play and having fun with what we're doing?

Now this only makes me wonder: is this made in Gestalt fashion? Is the rest of the word man's body listed by their parts? Design keeps me thinking, and of course, imagining.


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